by Judy Waters | Relationships
I’m not happy unless I’m working… Wow, whoever would have thought I would write that! As a celebrant of life and someone who is always encouraging her clients to slow down and enjoy life more, I find when my clients are out of town or I have a day off, I am...
by Judy Waters | Relationships
So you know that experience when you open your closet and it feels like everything in there is so old, it doesn’t really reflect who you are now, and it feels like a raft of old, tired memories and maybe a consciousness of lack? Well just like we need to regularly...
by Judy Waters | Parenting, Relationships
I love this quote by Byron Katie. It is so important to sit with the truth of this. What story are we telling ourselves? How do we know? I often share this story with my clients: A man and his 2 teenage boys get on a subway car. The man sits down rather out of it and...
by Judy Waters | Relationships
So, it’s almost Valentine’s Day. Does this thought fill you with excitement, dread, sadness, mooniness? Every year I get a few extra calls around this time: women (mostly) wondering if they will ever have a Valentine’s Day that is filled with joy and partnership. ...
by Judy Waters | Relationships
This charming little sentence has so much resonance for those of us who remember the Rodney King beating many years ago. I reached into my heart so deeply that day. A great question that pops up all the time in relationship counseling as it does in the realm of...